Synthetic Teak Decks

As a specialized company in synthetic teak decks, we understand like no other the importance of custom work. Every ship is unique and deserves a teak deck that perfectly complements it. That's why we handcraft each synthetic deck, ensuring that we can fully meet the desires and needs of our customers.

Our synthetic teak decks can be fully customized. For instance, it's possible to have the deck seams in a different color than the standard, to better match the rest of the ship. This gives your ship a distinctive look and adds a personal touch.

We strive to offer our customers the highest quality and finish. By using top-notch materials and our craftsmanship, you're assured of a durable and maintenance-free teak deck. The result is a ship that not only looks fantastic but also lasts for years.

An additional benefit of our customization is the ability to fully personalize your ship. For instance, it's possible to embed a logo or name onto the teak deck, making your ship even more unique and recognizable. Our goal is to make you shine as a customer and leave you completely satisfied with the end result.

Curious about our synthetic teak deck options? We'd be happy to advise you and show you various possibilities. Together we'll consider your wishes and needs to find a tailored solution. Feel free to reach out to us for questions or more information about our company and services. We're here for you!

Teakdek van jacht

Procedure for Laying a synthetic Teak Deck

When you opt for full service at Jachtwerk, we take care of everything. Based on photos and any drawings of your ship, we first provide a ballpark figure per square meter. Then we visit you on-site to inspect and measure your ship. We'll discuss all options with you, and you can share your preferences. Of course, you can also convey your desires later on, either through our website or during a visit to our workshop.

The next step in the process involves creating a template with all the lines, details, finishes, and specific requests. After finalizing the template, we get to work, giving your boat or yacht a fresh new look.

Once everything's in place? Enjoy the beautiful final result for years to come!

Teakdek op maat zeilboot

Benefits of a synthetic Teak Deck

Plastic is more cost-effective and maintenance-friendly than wood. It's easy to clean (e.g., with a high-pressure washer) and can even be sanded.

Advantages of a plastic teak deck include:

  • The appearance of a traditional teakwood deck
  • No costly annual maintenance
  • Safety due to the anti-slip layer
  • Not sensitive to heat; can be walked on with bare feet
  • Simple to clean
  • No discoloration due to weather effects

Quality from Topdek

A deck made of synthetic teak is both a good and cost-effective alternative to real teakwood. A synthetic teak deck is available in various beautiful colors, and the material has a rough grain, making it indistinguishable from real wood.

The high-quality material we use is durable PVC, which is lighter than most plastics. Our material resists tearing, mold, stains, and scratches. It withstands weather effects, UV light, and saltwater, ensuring the deck continues to look new. Its high anti-slip value ensures you won't slip in wet conditions.

As a partner of Topdek, you not only benefit from the advantages of high-quality PVC but also from products designed to maintain your synthetic teak deck. For this purpose, Topdek Cleaner and Sealer have been developed. Using these products, after installing a new deck, ensures the deck's quality is preserved.

Colors of Topdek

The Topdek teak deck, fenders, and gunwales are essential components of your vessel and contribute to its appearance and functionality. That's why it's important that these components perfectly match your ship. We offer Topdek teak decks, fenders, and gunwales in various sizes and colors.

The Topdek teak decks are fully customized and tailored to your needs. You can choose from different types and colors of synthetic teak decks. Additionally, Topdek teak decks come in various sizes, ensuring a fitting solution for your vessel.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Looking to install a synthetic teak deck?

Request a no-obligation quote for the installation of a synthetic teak deck.